Dental Assisting School Without a Degree

If you’ve ever looked into getting a degree you’ve probably noticed that almost all degrees have one thing in common: pre-requisites. They are classes that a person must take in order to begin a career program. Most colleges require these classes so that students can show they are ready to start a program. Dental assisting school is a great option because you can get started on your career right away.

No Pre-requisites

dental assisting school Unlike others, a dental assisting program does not require that other classes be taken first. Depending on your choice of school, you might have to take some courses first. But the American Institute of Dental Assisting knows that your time is important. We value your decision to go to school and think you should start your career classes right away.

Our 13-week program gives you all of the essential information to get started with a career in dental assisting. We offer a unique, hands-on training course that will give you the skills needed. No need to start a new job feeling lost. Start a new career today and feel confident in your abilities from day one.

Dental Assisting School

Attending a dental assisting school that puts your education first is important. In school, you will learn a wide variety of skills and information. Some of the areas you might learn about include:

  • dental assisting school tooth anatomy
  • mouth structures
  • passing instruments
  • x-rays
  • impressions
  • Dentrix software
  • CPR training
  • resume writing
  • patient interactions
  • what dentists are looking for in an assistant


As always, the most important part of finding a dental assisting school is choosing the one that best meets your needs. We know there are several choices out there, and we will take the time to discuss the options with you. We care about your future and know that if our program can give you a better future,  you’ll have a happier life. Contact us today to set up a tour and see what it is that makes us care.

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