Dental Assistant Graduates in the Work Place

Dental Assistant Graduates Those who are training to become a dental assistant will attend a dental assisting program. While there are several schools to choose from, finding a school that meets your needs is important. The American Institute of Dental Assisting offers a 13 week long program in dental assisting. Our program is designed with your future career in mind. We teach everything you will need to know in a true hands-on environment. We know that giving students the best learning experience will turn them into the best dental assistant graduate.

Dental Assistant Graduates What happens to a student once they have completed their schooling? Dental assistant graduates move on to do great things in the work place. Dentists love to hire assistants from the American Institute of Dental Assisting. Our assistants are highly trained to be successful in the workplace.

Dental Assistant Graduates

Many dentists will hire the assistant that completed an internship at their office. Our dental assistant graduates have gained a reputation with dentists all over the valley. Dentists are highly pleased with their dedication and work.

Reviews of Dental Assistant Graduates

“Damien jumped right in and gave anything and everything a try. He seemed genuinely interested in learning and followed directions very well, and took initiative appropriately. I think he will make a great team member wherever he ends up.”

Dental Assistant Graduates “Wesley was a great intern who was willing to work and do any task given to him. He stayed with us during our late hours and when there was no work to do, he was observing to learn as much as possible. He did a great job making bleach trays. Always had a great attitude and pleasant demeanor. Any future interns with work ethic and attitude like Wesley are welcome at our office.”

“Jayden was a pleasure to work with. She is very confident and can confront any situation with patients. She learns quickly and will be an asset to any office she goes to.”

Take a look at some more of our dental assistant graduates reviews here and you’ll see why we train the best and doctors love our students.

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